Entries by Frank Smyth

What the Judiciary Committee Should Ask Wayne LaPierre

On Wednesday, the Senate Judiciary Committee will hold a hearing on gun violence featuring testimony from the NRA’s Wayne LaPierre, as well as Mark Kelly, the husband of former Representative Gabrielle Giffords, Democrat of Arizona, who was shot in the head while holding a public meeting in her district two years ago.

How the NRA became the fringe

Today’s NRA’s interpretation of the Second Amendment seems to put it to the right of not only most Americans, including most gun owners, but also the Roberts Supreme Court and even Justice Antonin Scalia…

EXCLUSIVE: Unmasking the NRA’s Inner Circle

The NRA operates more like a corporation or politburo than a typical nonprofit or lobbying organization. Its shadowy leaders include the CEO who sells Bushmaster assault rifles used in the Newtown tragedy, and a top director who lives a few miles from Newtown’s…

Solidarity, a key to security, eludes Salvadoran press

The original blog is posted here. By Frank Smyth/Senior Adviser for Journalist Security No other journalists are remembered quite like this. Visitors looking through the glass display at the Monsignor Romero Center & Martyrs Museum in San Salvador see the pajamas and other clothes that three Jesuit university priests were wearing when they were shot down by automatic […]

Guatemala’s Cycles of Crime

For Guatemala and its majority Mayan population time is repeating itself. A former military commander and intelligence chief with a bloody past promises to bring law and order to the Central American nation. Worried about rising crime and the increasingly violent penetration by Mexican drug cartels, voters elected Otto Pérez Molina…