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(Readers may also notice: New links have been inserted or embedded into the original text in a few cases. Transliterations of names from languages like Arabic remain identical to the way they appeared in the original publication, so both Osama bin Ladin and Osama bin Laden appear in different articles here. Occasional typos or format mistakes may also occur due to either technological or human errors; please bring them to our attention so we may fix them as soon as possible.)
Is this site legal? You betcha! The U.S. Supreme Court ruled in 2001 in favor of a writer against The New York Times, saying that writers retained the electronic rights to their printed articles. FrankSmyth.com went up on that premise in 1998, and it includes articles under my byline dating back to 1987. In every case, the original publication also retains (and where relevant, also co-authors) copyright to the same articles. But unlike most publication sites along with commercial services like LexisNexis that charge fees to access articles, FrankSmyth.com offers my articles to readers for free. The above lawsuit against the Times was brought by the National Writers Union, which I first joined in 1988.
Ladan Nekoomaram, a graduate from American University’s masters program in journalism and public affairs, edited this website with the developer.
Thank you for reading! Frank
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